Contact Us

We encourage any and all to contact us with information and photos that pertain to trappers and trapping. There is a wealth of information out there that needs to be archived and recorded before it is lost forever. One can find quite a bit of information on the more well known or famous trappers, but we want to know about all trappers! Many books have been written about trappers, especially those from the mountain man era. But since that time there have been thousands of good trappers whose stories have never been told. We want those stories!

Feel free to contact us by mail, telephone, email or on our Facebook page.

By Mail:
Don & Beth Shumaker, N.A.T.H.S
1434 Copper Mine Road
Dillwyn, VA 23936

By Email:

By Phone:
Land Line – (434) 983-8826
Cell Phone – (434) 547-2728

By Facebook